1 tbsn olive oil
3 chicken breast cut into strips
2 tbsn olive oil
1/2 head cauliflower grated on a cheese grater
1/2 onion sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 large carrots peeled and sliced
3 celery stalks sliced
4 small peices of broccoli minced
1 egg
1 to 2 tsp soy sauce. (I use wheat free soy sauce (tamara) found in super one, pilgrams and I think Fred Meyer.)
Grate the cauliflower and spread it on a plate microwave for 3 minutes. Season chicken with salt and pepper cook strips in 1 tbsn oil until brown, set aside. in frying pan or wok, add the rest of the oil, throw in garlic and onions and brown. Add all vegys and stir fry until they start to get tender, add soy sauce to egg and beat until mixed up than add egg mixture and cooked chicken. Stir until egg is cooked and serve hot!

This pic is without the chicken I actually made this as a side for some pork chops and it was perfect.