Friday, March 29, 2013

Citrus Cod

I don't put enough fish recipes on the blog and it really should be an essentail part of our nutrition as Paleo eaters for those needed Omega 3's. For us, fish is hard, we have some picky eaters. This one work out pretty well for us.
For the fish:
2 lbs Artic Cod Fillets
1 lime
1 lemon
1 sweet onion
3 tbns olive oil
2 tbsn crushed garlic
salt and pepper
For the salsa:
1 ripe mango cubed
1 C. pineapple (canned or fresh)
2 tbsn. lime juice
2 tbsn. orange juice
4 tsp jalepeno diced
sweet onion diced
1 bell pepper sliced
black pepper
Scrub the outside of the lime and lemon to remove the dirt and waxy coating. Slice a few piece of the lime off and set the rest aside (for the salsa). Slice the onion and the lemon as well and place all slices on the bottom of a baking pan as the base for the fish. 

Rinse and pat dry the filets, and lay them flat on top of the slices of lemon, lime and onion.  Mix the olive oil, garlic, some lemon juice and salt and pepper in a bowl and with a brush or spoon lightly coat the top layer of the fish. Put in the oven at 350 degrees until the fish is easy to flake.

 Meanwhile you can make your salsa, quick and easy just put everything in a bowl and mix.

And Ta Da!!! Citrus Cod. (The side dish is the sauteed brussel sprouts just a few posts back)!!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Lime based coleslaw

This is a great recipe for a traveling day, a picnic and I can't wait to pack it with us to the dock this summer. It's quick, easy, and the longer it sits in the the tupperware the better it gets.
3+ carrots, shredded
1/2 head cabbage, shredded (would be good with green and purple)
1/2 sweet onion, shredded
cilantro (to taste)
1/3 C lime
1/2 tsp cumin
2 garlic cloves diced
1/2 C olive oil
1 tsp honey
Mix all the ingredients for your marinade, add all your shredded vegys, add them together and TADA!! Great with any meal and full of tones of vitamins and nutrients!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cajun Style

So I am not normally a person who enjoys spicy foods but this one is a keeper. And it's as spicy as you want to make it, I went pretty mild so the kids and I would enjoy it too, but for those of you who really like the hot, you can always add more spice and tobasco sauce to your bowl after everyone else is dished up.
1 bag shrimp
2 oz chicken
1 tbsn cajun spice (we used the spice from a few posts back "spicy nuts")
1 tbsn oil
1/4 C cut onion
1/4 C  cut bell pepper
2 tbsn diced garlic
1/2 C chopped tomatoes
3 bay leaves
2 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp tabasco
3/4 C caulirice
3 C chicken stock
5 oz sausage (we used deer sausage I would recommend a pork)
salt and pepper

Mix all spices in the meat and set aside.

Heat oil on med/high in a pot. Cook the onion, celery, and pepper until almost tender. Add the garlic, tomatoes, bay leaves and sauces. Stir in the caulirice and chicken broth and than finally the meat.  Cook on med heat, with a lid on, stirring occasionally, until the meat is done.
Quick, easy and very yummy, even for a spicy dish.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Stuffed birds!

 So I have been saying I was going to work on a clean stuffing recipe for months and I have finally done it. OK so I haven't spent as much time on it as I would've like and this is definitely not the end all be all on the best stuffing recipe, but it is a good base. I think.

3 thick slices of almond butter bread (recipe just a few months back) cubed
5 stalks celery sliced
1 apple diced (I like a little sweet and a little tart so I used fuji)
1 tbsn coconut oil
1/3  C onion
1 C chicken broth
1/2 C pecans
1 tsp sage
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp salt

3/4 C olive oil
3 tbsn garlic
2 tbsn rosemary
1 tbsn basil
1 tsp pepper
salt to taste

Mix all ingreidents together for the rub, and cover the chicken in it, don't miss the skin between the wings and the body. (Don't forget to clean the chicken inside and out and remove all the gizzards and neck that are stored inside the cavity). Set aside.
If you want to use the neck and organs to make a broth or chicken stock now is the time. Put them in a pot with water almost covering them. Add spices of your choice, I usually go with bay leaves, salt, garlic, parsley and basil. Simmer on low of a few hours (about as long as it takes to cook the bird) and you have a tasty chicken stock that you can use for your stuffing next time or soup.

In a saucepan combine everything but the bread cubes and the pecans. Turn on med high until it boils, reduce heat and cover and let simmer until the vegys are tender.
Meanwhile, put the bread cubes on a cookie sheet, in a single layer, and bake at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes, until crunchy but not heavily browned. Set aside.

After vegys are tender pour over toasted bread cubes, add the pecans and blend well. Put the bird in a shallow baking dish and gently add some stuffing to the cavity of the bird, laying the remaining amounts outside in the baking dish. Don't pack all the stuffing into the cavity, the fuller it is the longer it will take to cook.
Bake the bird at 400 degrees uncovered for about 30 minutes or until the top is beautifully browned than "tent" (or cover the baking pan and bird with tinfoil that doesn't touch the bird)  turn the oven down to about 350 and finish cooking.


It should be tender and fall off the bone yummy. The apples in the stuffing really help juice up the meat and bring a bit of a sweet flavor to the dish. Now if you really want to have at it boil and mash some garlic sweet potatoes and have yourself a clean thanksgiving-ish meal.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

For the Kids!!!

Sorry not a great picture! So, during the recent nutrition seminar, I had someone ask me what about kids and paleo. And I realized we haven't really done any snacks, stuff for after school, between practice and lessons. Easily packable and healthy options so here ya go. (Plus I get the benefit of having a full fridge for the 4 empty pits that live in my house ;)  )
1st: cut celery, carrots, bell peppers and a smaller tupperware clean ranch dressing
2nd: cut melons in a fruit salad
3rd: Cucumber salad (sliced cucumbers and sweet onions in a 1 to 1/2 ratio of apple cider vinegar and honey)
4th: apple chicken sausages
5th: pumpkin snack bites (recipe to below)
6th: beef jerky (recipe to below)
1 C. pumpkin (canned is fine)
2 Tbsn honey
1/2 C. coconut flour
1 egg
3/4 C almond butter
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/3 C coconut milk
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 C dark chocolate chips (I found mine at huckleberries in Spokane but I'm sure theres some at Pilgrams)

Oven at 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients well, scoop onto a cookie sheet by the spoonful and bake for about 25 minutes.

1 lbs beef jerky
1/2 C soy sauce (wheat free)
1/2 C pineapple juice
garlic powder, salt and pepper to liking

Mix all ingredients together well. Put the meat between two sheets of wax paper and roll out even and flat. slice into 1 1/2 inch width pieces and put into the dehydrater for about 5 to 6 hours. The thinner the faster it's done and the crunchier it is, or roll it out a little thicker and make it chewer. You can do this in the oven too 205 degrees, crack the oven to let the moisture out and about 3-4 hours.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Spicy nuts!!!

Sorry about not having a lot of pictures for this post, Andy eat them too fast for me to get many. (Well Kate and I did our fair share as well :)  )
So here is a quick and easy way to make those on the run, after school or just because, good for you munchies. Be aware, the paleo diet advocates, SOME fats. So don't over do it on this one, although it is very easy to do.

We did three different kinds of flavored nuts on one try but by far the Cajun flavor won out, for everyone. (Even me who is not usually fond of spicy.)

1/2 a bag of the Costco raw almonds

sweet nuts:
1 tbsn honey
cinnamon and nutmeg

salty nuts:
olive oil and salt

Spicy nuts:
2 tsp salt
2 tsp paprika
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 1/4 tsp dried oregano
1 1/4 tsp dried thyme
1.2 tsp red pepper flakes (optional for those hot and spicy type)

Mix all the ingredients for the spicy nuts together.

For the spicy and salty nuts, mix all in a bowl with a little bit of olive oil, just to coat. lay out on a cookie sheet and sprinkle with the spice of your choice.
We tried the sweet nuts with the olive oil too but the honey just slips right off so try blending the honey with some liquid coconut oil first, throw the almond in the bowl and stir t around to coat them and than lay on the cookie sheet and sprinkle with nutmeg and cinnamon.
Bake for about 15 minutes at about 350 degrees, let them slightly cool (I liked them all warm mmmm), and enjoy!!
Stay tuned I will be posted an attempt at gumbo with this Cajun flavoring, can't wait!