Here is the Recipe that Larry brought to the Fund Raisers Potluck. MM MM good. The great thing about this one, if you are zoning out your paleo eating this one tells you how many protein fat and carb servings/grams you get, and it's easy!
1 14 1/2 oz can stewed tomatoes
2 skinless, boneless chicken breast chopped
1 bell pepper chopped
1 small onion chopped
1/2 C red wine
1 tsp dried basi
1 tsp dried oregano
2 cloves crushed garlic
dash of pepper
mix all ingredients in a casserole dish and bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees.
Protein 34
Fat 6
Wow, I remember this from the potluck and it was AMAZING! Thanks for posting this. =)