I will alphabetically be posting a veggie, it may be bi-weekly or monthly depending on how creative I am feeling! I will also include nutrition information and benefits of said veggie. Before we know it we will be cooking with all the colors of the rainbow! If there is something in particular you have always wanted to try but are unsure of how to go about cooking it or are just scared to try something new, leave me a comment and I will do my best to accommodate your request!
I'm going to start out on (your guessed it) A. And the veggie of the month is:

Asparagus is a member of the Lily family which includes onions, leeks and garlic. Its peak growing season is from April-June and in this season when the conditions are just right it can grow 10 inches is a 24 hour period (sounds like my great dane). Asparagus is a nutrient dense food and contains high amounts of Folate, Vitamin B-6, A, C and Potassium. At just 4 calories a spear you get 3G of fiber per 5 oz serving. To purchase the best asparagus look for firm, fresh spears that are uniform in size and have closed tips, the larger in diameter the more tender it will be. There is over 5o varieties of asparagus one of with is albino and is white in color due to sun deprivation. Now to the cooking! I went simple for the first one, don't worry I will come up with some pretty grubbin' stuff!
Oven grilled asparagus:
1 Tbsp olive oil
4 Cloves garlic-chopped
Salt and pepper
Place your asparagus on a cookie sheet and toss with oil, garlic and seasoning. Bake in a 450 degree oven for 35-45 minutes depending on how big the spears are.
And here is the finished product. In perfect time for Halloween, you wont have to worry about any vampires when you eat this!
I tried this with squash and eggplant last night i just cut them into spears and baked them and it was a nice change, thanks for the idea!
I love the alphabet idea I can't wait to see the next recipe, but I am interested to see what you're going to use for X. Eager to see whats next, thanks for all your advice Carley!
Oh boy x will be a challenge but im sure I will think of something, Ive got time! Maybe Ill have something really exotic shipped in...
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