I'm a sucker for chocolate and I never like coconut growing up, however since going primal almost a year ago I have grown fond of it. I have to say I've never eaten a mounds, but I imagine that they taste like these little bit of heavens that I made a few weeks ago. Enjoy and beware it is easy to eat way too much of these. The good side is they are chock full of healthy fat!
For the filling:
1/4 C. Coconut oil
1/8 C. Honey
2/3 C. Shredded coconut
1/4 C. Almonds
Melt the coconut oil and honey together in the microwave add the coconut, if you are using flake coconut you will want to pulse it in a blender or food processor a few times to break it down a bit. If its shredded coconut I think it would work as is.
1/4 C. Cocoa powder
2 TBSP Honey
1/3 C. Coconut oil
1/3 C. Coconut oil
2 tsp. Vanilla
Heat in a bowl in the microwave and stir until it is smooth. Spoon over the coconut filling and chill in the freezer until set.