I'm a sucker for chocolate and I never like coconut growing up, however since going primal almost a year ago I have grown fond of it. I have to say I've never eaten a mounds, but I imagine that they taste like these little bit of heavens that I made a few weeks ago. Enjoy and beware it is easy to eat way too much of these. The good side is they are chock full of healthy fat!
For the filling:
1/4 C. Coconut oil
1/8 C. Honey
2/3 C. Shredded coconut
1/4 C. Almonds
Melt the coconut oil and honey together in the microwave add the coconut, if you are using flake coconut you will want to pulse it in a blender or food processor a few times to break it down a bit. If its shredded coconut I think it would work as is.
1/4 C. Cocoa powder
2 TBSP Honey
1/3 C. Coconut oil
1/3 C. Coconut oil
2 tsp. Vanilla
Heat in a bowl in the microwave and stir until it is smooth. Spoon over the coconut filling and chill in the freezer until set.
That looks so good!
O!M!G!!!!!! Carley those are awesome!!!!!!!
OK so I made these today and they were amazing to taste but I think I messed something up, they weren't as pretty as yours, the chocolate sunk to the bottom instead of staying on the top in that pretty covering. help want them to look perfectly pretty like yours.
try freezing the coconut filling before you put the chocolate over the top, Ill bet that would help!
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