1. I get a huge skillet and fill it with all sorts of frozen veggies. Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, mushrooms, asparagus, bell pepper strips. The list can go on and on and you can make different combinations so it doesn't get boring. I also season them well, I like to use homemade taco seasoning.
4. Meat. I like burgers they are a very easy way to get your protein I usually take 2 patties to work and eat one for breakfast and one for lunch. I grill them on the BBQ, put them in separate baggies and freeze them. I take what I want out the night before work. I buy turkey burgers, salmon patties and sirloin burgers from Costco in bulk. If you aren't a burger fan you could get a rotisserie chicken and piece it out into containers or cook some steaks, cook ground beef, fish fillets... Anything you like just cook in bulk and plan ahead for the whole week, that way you aren't scrambling before bed to get something put together.
See, its not that hard, I can have all this done within 1 hour and I'm set for breakfast and lunch all week. You can do it, just give it a shot, your body will thank you!
I have to agree its not any more time consuming to be paleo, being a single mom of 2 with a biz, and 2 part time jobs and all the craziness that goes with that I'm still able to feed myself and my kids strict paleo. Sure we go out sometime when I just don't have time to cook but u can eat out clean almost anywhere. Even mexican (fajitas) or chinese (egg fu yong). It does, however, take time to get used to being in that mind set, just like any change it takes a bit for your lifestyle to adjust. Store bought pre cooked foods are a must in our house, raw fruits and vegys are a main staples as well, quick, easy, clean and tasty. Its really not a time constriction, its just an adjustment to a lifestyle change
Preach it sister!
I bet you guys didnt know Im a magician and can make burgers float sideways =)
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