Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Its so easy even a caveman could do it"

There a few new faces at the gym (maybe some reluctant not so new faces.) So I thought I would post some tips for you that may help you make the dive into a Paleo lifestyle. Note that I say life style not diet Diets are always referred to as something temporary; something that will eventually change and a person can resume their way of life presumably with a smaller waistband. Diets fail because they are not permanent. Permanent results require permanent change. Going Paleo you are not going on a diet you are making a life style change prepare yourself your family and your cupboards accordingly. This is not a restrictive, uptight, take time out of your life change its a way to relearn how to take care of your body and the bodies of those dearest to you! Remember I just made this change in March of 2010 It was a challenge at first, but now I cant see going back to grains, dairy and processed foods!

  1. Remove anything and everything from your house that does not promote your new way of life. This will include cleaning out your cupboards (think about donating dry packaged goods to your local food bank) Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. If you cant read it don't eat it. This is a rule I live by.90% of ingredients you find in prepared foods are chemicals and additives, what do they do to your body?

  2. Give it time. The first day will seem strangely easy,the next several days will be hell, prepare to have craving and even dreams of food, yes ask Jenn it happens! It takes 2 weeks to get rid of all the crap built up in our bodies. After the first few weeks you will start to view food in a whole new way.

  3. Slip ups may happen. Tomorrow is always a second chance, if you fail today wake up tomorrow and do better! Feeling defeated wont help you, the goal is to have your moment and get right back up again, with a new sense of purpose.

  4. Plan ahead. Having pre-chopped veggies, nuts and fruit easily accessible for snacks will help you when you have a craving or a hunger attack. When I first started I kept a Lara bar or some fruit in my purse for an emergency. I used it on more than one occasion!

  5. Think of food as fuel. When reaching for food I think what does my body really need? Usually the answer is either water or protein. I make a rule that between lunch and dinner if I'm hungry I go to a protein source over fruit. In doing this you know its not out of habit or boredom to be eating but a necessity to keep your body going.

  6. Replace dessert with fruit. Frozen fruit can be a tasty alternative to dessert while you are still trying to break old habits! Smoothies and coconut milk poured over strawberries or mango's are also simple and healthy choices to replace dessert.

  7. Worried about calcium? I don't plan on living my elderly years with cracking bones and a hunch back. Do you ever see pictures of a Caveman living like that? Here is a great article to ease your minds over this subject!

  8. The 80/20 rule. I tend to jump into things and don't turn back, but for those of you who take a more gradual approach to life the 80/20 rule is something that Mark from MDA promotes. Eat strict Paleo 80% of the time and then other 20% be more relaxed that is 2 out of every 10 meals. I don't necessarily think this is the best way to go about it, but if its where you need to start to be able to convert you and your family great,as long as you eventually make the switch to fully primal.

  9. Be creative. Just like all other aspects of like you need a little spice (pun intended). Vary your meals daily if possible,there are so many great recipes and blogs out there to check out, don't get stuck in a rut. Just like with our workouts our bodies do much better with a fluctuating food pattern.

  10. If you bite it write it! I started out writing everything that went into my mouth the first 3 months of eating Paleo. This will help you detect patterns in your eating and also foods that your body may not like, or things that you may be lacking. Jenn is a great resource when it comes to changing your diet and going over food journals to make sure you have a good balance.

Good luck on your quest to a healthier happier body, please post question or additional tips and info in the comments.


  1. Great tips, thanks Carley!

  2. Thanks for that run down Carley. And yes you can dream about foods that you're cravings. Some of those dreams can be as vivid as actually tasting the foods you're craving, it happened to me. It was chocolate cake.
