Wednesday, August 11, 2010

MDA 30 day Challenge

Attention all Paleoites/Paleodians, Oh I don't know... All you who eat clean or want to start eating clean!!! Mark Sisson is bringing back the 30 day clean eating challenge for the month of September. Plenty of time to take baby steps and start eating clean and receiving the benefits before the end of summer! Go here to check it out- There are contests with prizes and give aways. So go ahead be brave and give it a shot, don't think of what you have to lose (weight, health issues, hormone imbalance, insulin spikes, cravings and a whole mess of other problems), but what you will gain (strength, stamina, endurance, better rest, over all health and well being).

Lets play a game... Add your gains/losses for eating clean to the comments it will amaze you once you sit down and think about it!


  1. I lost 7 inches, my acne is at least 75% gone, I sleep better at night, I have had HUGE gains in my performance and im overall a happier person!

  2. Great job Carley!!! I've noticed i'm leaning out a lot and having some good gains in performance.

  3. My benefits from clean eating are innumerable! I've been eating paleo for over 2 years and the benefits and gains in my sleep, energy, stamina, cognitive funtion, mood and strength have been amazing. I used to suffer severe asthma during the spring and haven't had the need for an inhaler in 2 years. When I am consistantly clean for over a month my sleep is solid, and I wake feeling fully rested. And to top it all off it makes me feel good about what I choose to put in mine and my family's bodies, a clean and healthy (and tasty) fuel source. Knowing that I'm teaching my kids healthy habits for their life is worth it all on its own.
