Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pork Marinade

Oh pork how I love thee! Bacon, ham, sausage, bacon, chops, loin, ribs, roast, BACON need I say more?!?!?! Well you would think this post is about bacon and its not... I made a very tasty marinade for my pork last night it looked like this:

And I made this out of the pork that I marinaded:

What will you make?

1/4 C Sesame oil

1/4 C Tamari ( wheat-free soy sauce)

1 Tbsp. Rosemary

4 Cloves crushed garlic

1 Tbsp Fresh ginger grated

Mix all together and put your pork in the marinade I like to mix it right in a Ziploc bag that way its easy to turn and cover all sides of the meat. Toss a few times to coat and place in the fridge for at least 2 hours or until you are ready to use. As you can see I made stir-fry with it and it was scrumptious. Ive also made kabobs and used it as a chop marinade.

1 comment:

  1. I used this on the pork at the bbq on Jenns dock!
