Monday, September 20, 2010

Dressings Thrice

Salad is a staple in my diet and its not too late in the season just yet to enjoy a nice, crisp and refreshing bowl of veggies. I go to a local fruit stand to get my produce, you can save a bunch and its great to help local economy. Alot of times you can ask if they are long on some items and get some killer deals, I got eggplant for $1.oo each. What a steal!!!

Here are a few of my favorite Paleo friendly salad dressing recipes. I believe these are from Loren Cordain's book.

Spinach Salad Dressing:
1 Tbsp Honey
1/3 C Lemon juice
A few grinds fresh pepper
1 Tsp. Tarragon
1/3 C Olive oil
1/3 C Flax oil

Honey Mustard (my favorite):
1/2 C Water
1/4 C each Flax and olive oil
1 tsp Mustard
1/8 tsp Garlic powder
2 Tbsp Honey

Tomato Dressing:
1/3 C Tomato puree
1/2 C Olive oil
1/3 C Lemon juice
1 Clove minced garlic
1 Tbsp Honey
1 Tbsp minced onion

Directions for most dressings are as follows: Mix all ingredients except oil in a blender, food processor or in a bowl and whisk with those strong crossfit arms (channel double under wrist action). Slowly drizzle oil into the rest of the ingredients a few Tbsp at a time and blend until it is emulsified.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Before the recipe I will indulge you in a little story I like to call "The Tail of Two Kitties" get it he he... Once upon a time in land not long ago there lived a girl who took in two stray kittens for a friend (you know who you are). As the kitties grew they became rambunctious and some might say evil. One day the kitties decided to play a prank on the girl and erase the file on her computer named " Paleo Recipe Pictures" The girl was so angry because she had worked hard on her recipes and didn't want to post blog entries without the photos. The girl went in search of the kitties and this is what she saw...

The kitties and the girl made a deal that if she didn't take the kitty out with the trash the kitty would be good from now on. And they lived happily ever after (at least for that day).

In saying that some of the recipes I will be posting will not have pictures but I assure you they are tasty and I have made each one at least once!

Chocolate Chip Cookies
1/2 C Chocolate chips - The recipe for Fully Paleo Chocolate is on the blog
1 C Almond flour
1 tsp Vanilla
1/4 C Honey
1 Egg
Dash of salt
1 tsp Baking soda
Mix altogether and place by rounded teaspoonful on a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 9 minutes.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Who Needs Crust Quiche

This looks like a slice of heaven to me! Eggs, Sausage and veggies you cant go wrong! I had the butcher at my local meat department make sure that the in-store ground sausage didn't have additives in this case it did not, but if your local sausage contains additives just ask for unseasoned ground pork and you can season it to your liking.

1/2 Lb Spicy sausage
Large handful spinach
1/4 C Onions- chopped
1/2 a Bell pepper-chopped
10 Eggs

Cook sausage and drain. Place all your ingredients in a 9 inch pie pan and make sure they are evenly distributed. It'll look something like this:

Crack and use those strong crossfit arms to beat the eggs. Add a few grinds of fresh pepper and sea salt, pour over the sausage and veggies. Bake at 375 for 30 minutes or until the center is firm to the touch.