Monday, September 20, 2010

Dressings Thrice

Salad is a staple in my diet and its not too late in the season just yet to enjoy a nice, crisp and refreshing bowl of veggies. I go to a local fruit stand to get my produce, you can save a bunch and its great to help local economy. Alot of times you can ask if they are long on some items and get some killer deals, I got eggplant for $1.oo each. What a steal!!!

Here are a few of my favorite Paleo friendly salad dressing recipes. I believe these are from Loren Cordain's book.

Spinach Salad Dressing:
1 Tbsp Honey
1/3 C Lemon juice
A few grinds fresh pepper
1 Tsp. Tarragon
1/3 C Olive oil
1/3 C Flax oil

Honey Mustard (my favorite):
1/2 C Water
1/4 C each Flax and olive oil
1 tsp Mustard
1/8 tsp Garlic powder
2 Tbsp Honey

Tomato Dressing:
1/3 C Tomato puree
1/2 C Olive oil
1/3 C Lemon juice
1 Clove minced garlic
1 Tbsp Honey
1 Tbsp minced onion

Directions for most dressings are as follows: Mix all ingredients except oil in a blender, food processor or in a bowl and whisk with those strong crossfit arms (channel double under wrist action). Slowly drizzle oil into the rest of the ingredients a few Tbsp at a time and blend until it is emulsified.

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