Friday, February 4, 2011

The Best Sweet Potatoes!

Ah sweet potatoes. They are so versatile and nutritious, not to mention beautiful and tasty! This is yet another recipe that I saw on Rachel Ray, I love that girl!

Zesty Sweet Potato Mash
3 Sweet Potatoes peel, diced and boiled until soft.
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
1 TBSP Honey
Fresh grated nutmeg
Boil and drain the potatoes, add the nutmeg at this point, about 1/2 tsp. if its fresh a little more if you are using nutmeg that is pre-ground.

Zest the lemon and add it to the potato pot, add the juice from 1/2 the lemon and the honey and mash it up with a potato masher.

Look how beautiful and bright they are! This is a very light refreshing dish and kind of reminded me of spring.

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