Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Its A Soup Day

If you live in my neck of the woods it is a soup day! I woke up to a blanket of white stuff outside, but spring is about a month away. I'm looking forward to planting my garden and all the creations I can think of involving a grill.

Somethings Fishy Tomato Soup

1 TBSP Olive Oil
1 Onion sliced into thin strips
2 Carrots
3 Ribs Celery
3 Cloves Garlic minced
2 Bay Leaves
1 28oz Can Crushed Tomatoes
1 QT. Chicken or Veggie Stock
1/2 C Chopped Parsley
1 16oz Can Salmon

Saute the garlic and onion in the oil until they are soft, meanwhile cut the carrots and celery into 1/2 inch pieces. Add the celery, carrots, bay leaves, tomatoes, and stock to the mix. Cook over medium heat until the veggies are soft about 25 minutes. Add the salmon and heat through. Add the parsley right before serving and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. That looks SSSOOO good, perfect for a cold day in front of the fire!
