Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Caveman Mayo

I have never been a mayo fan. Its funny how things change when you change your diet. I went primal about a year ago and haven't looked back! I'm happier, healthier and stronger than I ever have been. Now back to the mayo, as afore mentioned; Hello, my name is Carley and I'm addicted to dipping.

Having gone primal my favorite condiment (ketchup) was no longer an option. So I turned to other things. Having said that you might think, dipping in mayo? Gross!!! And I would have thought that too, before I made my own homemade mayo. It is so creamy, flavorful and a terrific fat to consume for energy! I have made various dips using the mayo as a base and they have been a hit across the board at parties and family functions (more to come on the dips soon.)

Homemade Mayo

Adapted from Julia Child Circa 1965

2 TBSP Lemon juice

A few grinds of salt and pepper

1 1/4 C. Oil (use light olive oil or grape seed for the best flavor)

1 tsp. Dijon Mustard (Julia Child's recipe called for 1/2 tsp dry mustard, I don't have any so I have always used Dijon.)

1 Egg

The first trick to making homemade mayo is to make sure that all the ingredients are at room temperature. This will give you a better texture and more volume, which makes it even more delicious.

In your food processor or blender add 1/4 C. of the oil, the mustard, lemon juice, seasoning and the egg and let er rip for about 1 minute.

I should look like this when the time us up. Now all that is left is to emulsify the remaining oil with the ingredients already in the processor. This is the tricky part and needs LOTS of patience. You want to add the oil VERY slowly, it should take you at least 3 minutes to add 1 C. of oil. Drizzle it from a small measuring cup, in a thin stream, as slowly as possible. Think honey from a stick and slow it down from there!!! You will be rewarded with creamy thick mayo for your eating pleasure. (As a side note, it is good in the fridge until the expiration date on the egg carton, make sure to check and label the jar.)


  1. wow, didn't know it was so easy! can't wait to see what dips you create!

  2. Should we mix the 1 cup oil in w a spoon, slow speeed on the food processor or...? I wasn't ure

  3. Use a food processor or blender, medium to high speed would work well. The key is to make sure and drizzle your oil in very very slowly! Let me know how you like it!
