Friday, June 10, 2011

Genetically Modified Cows

This is a featured story on the news this morning. Cows are being genetically modified to produce milk that is similar to human milk. Ok, I don't eat dairy and boy am I glad that I don't! Basically what they are doing is cloning Holstein dairy cows and adding a little bit of human DNA to surrogate cows and then implanting genetically modified embryo's into the surrogates. Thus producing a cow that will have 20% more milk fat and their milk will include some of the milk proteins that occur NATURALLY in humans.

I hope that I never see the day that mothers are encouraged to use milk from a pseudo human-cow to feed their babies. God gave us our own milk makers, lets use them whenever possible!

I also have to wonder, if they are doing this testing, who is drinking the final product? What is their outcome going to be? And most importantly, what are we eating and drinking that has been tampered with that we don't even know about? All for the sake of science and people trying to change the perfect creations that God has made.

Why do we drink cows milk anyway? Human milk is for baby humans, cat milk is for kittens, shouldn't cows milk be for baby cows?


Read the entire story here:

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