Friday, July 8, 2011

Turkey Sausages with Apples

This is a great recipe that I saw on It reminds me of the Aidell's sausages that I love so much. The great thing about this recipe is that you get the full flavor of sausage patties without all of the fat if you are concerned with that sort of thing. They are the perfect balance of sweet and savory and are a great addition to any breakfast.

Turkey Apple Sausage

Recipe from Elana's Pantry

1# Ground Turkey or Chicken

3/4 C. Dried Apples diced

1 TBSP Maple Syrup

1 tsp. each Salt and Pepper

1/4 tsp. Allspice (this is what gives it such good flavor)

2 TBSP Fresh Sage- chopped (this is what gives it a sausage taste)

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl, take off your rings and get those hands in there!

This is what it should look like when you are done mixing.

Heat up a skillet with a little pan spray or a small amount of Olive oil, form the meat mixture into patties and cook over high heat for 3 minutes on each side.

This is about the color you are going for.

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