Monday, August 27, 2012


I was doing some web surfing for some new recipe to add to our repetiore of Paleo choices, hoping to find something to satisfy that taco craving and FINALLY I have found something! Thanks to another paleo blog, and some adjustments at home I am happy to be able to post an alternative taco recipe (yummy by the way!!).

1 medium wide Jicama (Pronounce Hickama) *the wider the better because you get bigger strips

Peel the jicama and than slice really thin, if you have a mandoline perfect, if not a really sharp knife is highly recommended. Put the slices in salt water for up to 2 days.

Your favorite taco filling. We made breakfast tacos so we used scrambled eggs and Jimmy Deans all Natural Pork Sausage with some green bell peppers and onions. With some salsa on top.

Heat enough oil in a frying pan to lightly cover the bottom. Place a few slices of Jicama in the pan and flip until edges are browned, place on a paper towel to cool.
Put a spoonful of filling on the shell, fold and...

TA-DA!!!!!! Bite size breakfast Tacos MMMMM!!

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