Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bacon MMMMMMuffins

 I have found the perfect breakfast for my family and possibly for yours! So who doesn't love bacon, um nobody right, this is the only egg recipe Katie will eat thanks to bacon. MMMMMM

1 package (uncured) bacon
6-7 eggs
any vegy of your choice diced (We used spinach, mushrooms, peppers, onions, and asparagus)

Beat the eggs and add the diced vegys. We made a few different varieties of mixed vegys and even added some with a little clean sausage which turned out great!)

Cut your bacon strips in half. Lay one strip across the bottom of the muffin tin cup and around to one side. Use the other half to wrap around the rest of the cup lining to make a homemade muffin shell.  Pour your egg mixture into each cup filling about 3/4 full. The eggs don't expand much when they cook but the bacon will curl around the top making a crisp outer shell, if you leave some of it exposed.

Put in the oven and bake at 350 degrees for about 10 min or until a toothpick comes out clean. Remove the muffins from the tin when it's still warm and serve. Hallelujah bacon muffins!!!

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