Thursday, June 27, 2013

You can never have too much bacon

 I think we all know how much my family loves the bacon and this month we have tried to find different ideas in using, so far so good. Early we did the bacon muffins and those are now a common staple in our breakfast routine. This recipe I think would be better with apples but still very tasty and the kids love it!

This one is quick and easy, and it's bacon so of course its good!

1 package uncured bacon (Pilgrams has a good brand that is thick and tasty and super one carries the white
                                        label uncured as well)
6 boneless chicken thighs
2 sliced peaches (I think this recipe would have been better with apples or pears, give it a try)
diced fresh cilantro
salt and pepper to taste

place a pinch of clintro and a slice of fruit in the center of the boneless chicken thigh. Roll it up, wrap with a whole slice of bacon and stab through with a toothpick to hold it together.

Place all the wraps on a baking dish that is lightly grease, bake on 375 degrees for about 30 min or until the chicken juices run clear

We served it with our all time favorite potato salad. The kids liked them but we all agreed the apples or pears would give it a better overall flavor.

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