Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Best Fruit Choices

The perfect Primal diet consists of lots of lean meat, healthy fats (pure oils,olives,nuts and seeds), plenty of veggies and some fruit. I am guilty of being a fruit glutton. I could eat a piece of fruit with every meal and at snack time, I just love fresh fruit. While that's all fine and dandy fruit still has natural sugars and spikes you insulin levels, a thing that is best avoided especially when you are interested in dropping a few lb's. All fruits aren't made equally, some are much higher in antioxidants and polyphenols (disease fighters). Some fruits also have a much higher sugar content than others. If you are having trouble losing weight on a primal diet or just cant get rid of that last pesky 5 lbs, you might think about taking a serious look at your sugar intake. Look at all aspects of this, the honey or god forbid the agave, fruit and especially dried fruit you are eating. Again as I have said before life is to enjoy and enjoy things in moderation including fruit. Below I included a nifty link to a graph that Prof. Loren Cordain published, it gives an in depth look at sugar content in fruits, veggies, sweeteners and a few other various items. It is a good tool to use when planning your meals or just making better choices. Fruits and Sugars Table

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