Monday, April 4, 2011

Tasty Balls

These balls are so good! Hubby and I had a hard time not eating the whole batch. I did share with my sisters when they were over for girls day and they loved them too! I was imagining (while shoving yet another ball into my mouth) these would be really good with a little orange zest in them, maybe a tablespoon or so? Feel free to try it and leave me a note in the comments.
Almond Date Truffles

2 1/2 C. Whole pitted dates (Freddies bulk bins have the best price in N. Idaho)

2 C. Almonds- If you want the balls to be extra tasty toast the almonds before you add them!

1 TBSP. Honey

1/2 tsp. Sea Salt

1 tsp. Cinnamon

1 tsp. Vanilla

1/2 C. Toasted Raw Coconut

Place all the ingredients into a food processor and let er rip until the mixture is pulverized and starts to form a big ball. (have I said "ball" too many times in this post?)

Take the mixture by tablespoons and form it into you guessed it, balls...

Roll the balls in the coconut mixture until coated well and try not to eat too many!

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