Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Gluten Free Kids Snack

I know that as an adult it is hard to give up tasty little treats when I went Primal, I would imagine as a child it would be even harder. After all, they are tempted with junk food at school and at friends houses and they lack the will power of knowing the effects that gluten/sugar can have on our bodies. I was trying to think of a Paleo treat to make for my niece when I was babysitting, it has been so nice these last few days I wanted something like a Popsicle... Here's what I came up with last minute with the ingredients I had on hand. Banana Pops.

This is also the perfect little project for the kiddo's to help with! Make it a fun time in the kitchen and teach them the importance of eating healthy while your cooking. They will thank you for it some day!

Frozen Banana Pops

desired amount of bananas, peeled and cut in half

1 Recipe Fully Paleo Chocolate the recipe can be found here:

Popsicle sticks or sticks of some kind

Toppings, I used coconut and chopped walnuts

After you have peeled and cut the bananas, put a stick into the bottom of each one

I didn't have enough chocolate to dip the bananas so I just used the back of a spoon and smeared the chocolate all over the banana

Roll in your favorite topping and freeze for an hour


  1. YUMMY!!!! So funny Brooky and I were just talking about something like this yesterday.

  2. You guys will have to make them, so fun and very tasty!
