Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Crepes are a family tradition for birthday breakfast in our house and it was always expected that we would have to do un-clean. I have found this wonderful blog "against all grains" this women is amazing!!! check her out here http://www.againstallgrain.com, she has everything and anything you would ever want to know about cooking clean.  She has provided us with an amazing alternative to clean crepes. They taste a little more egg-y then un-clean crepes but with fruit and the coconut whipped cream (below) they're amazing in their own right. Even my nieces and nephew liked them. My nephew, who calls our food "that weird stuff", even had 3rds. 
I have altered the recipe just slightly, I like the flavor of vanilla in my breakfast "breads", but other than that this is all from against the grain blog.

For the Crepes
6 eggs 
1 cup almond milk
3 tbln coconut flour, sifted
2 tsp coconut oil, melted
1 tsp arrowroot
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla
coconut oil for the pan

For the filling:
frozen strawberries and blueberries
1 fresh sliced banana

For the whipped cream:
1 can whole coconut milk
honey (optional)
vanilla (optional)


Whisk all ingredients until completely blended, let sit about 10 minutes for the flour to absorb the liquid. I continued to whisk the batter before I poured it into the frying pan to keep it well blended and avoid clumps.  
heat a flat skillet on med, lightly cover in coconut oil to grease the pan. Pour the batter slowly onto the pan. the batter is very runny, but if you want to spread it out you can, just very carefully and slowly move the pan around by the handle. I found you don't really need to spread it out, the batter will spread mostly by itself, plus it will keep its pretty round shape if you just let it be. Let the crepe cook until the sides are slightly brown and the top is no longer runny, carefully flip the crepe, lightly brown the other side and remove to a plate to cool. this recipe makes about 8+ crepes. 

We used frozen blueberries and strawberries and sliced fresh bananas for our filling along with a coconut whipped cream (again from "against the grain" blog).  Take a few scoops of each of the frozen berries and put inside a pot and turn on med. I added a small spoon of honey, but it's really not necessary if you don't want it. I let that boil and melt until we had a running hot syrup, than I set aside to cool. 

Whipped cream: Put the cans contents in the fridge overnight. Carefully remove the top layer of the coconut milk (all the yummy fat looking topping) and put in a bowl, whip with a hand blender until peaks form add a small amount of honey and vanilla if you want. 

After all your ingredients are made and the crepes are slightly cooled (they will rip easier if they are warm) place a crepe flat on the plate put your fruit filling inside, roll, cover with a dollop of fruit and whipped cream and enjoy! Yummy!!!!

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