Thursday, May 2, 2013

Paleo Porridge

We used to be big cream of wheat fans and sometimes on those cold winter morings, you know like the ones we have in the middle of April, I miss a hot bowl of cereal. While I was cruising the net looking for ideas I came across this gem. thanks to Paleo Spirit for this starter. I didn't use all of the ingredients and we really liked the consistency and flavor. Although the kids have asked for a little less banana taste, we're trying 1/2 dates next time. We also halved the recipe and it worked out perfect for 2 bowls.

2 ripe bananas mashed
2 C coconut milk (we used the carton kind but the true canned kind would be so much better flavor and consistency)
3/4 C almond meal (the original recipe also asks for 1/4 C flax meal)
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger (we omitted)
1/8 cloves (we substituted with nutmeg)
1/8 salt (we omitted)
honey (just a dash although its not needed its pretty sweet from the bananas)
berries for topper, or raisins, or coconut flakes, really the options are endless.

Add all ingredients in to a saucepan, cook on med low until it thickens, (about 5-10 min) stirring often to make sure the bottom doesn't burn. Spoon into bowls top with your choice and yum. 

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