Thursday, June 27, 2013

You can never have too much bacon

 I think we all know how much my family loves the bacon and this month we have tried to find different ideas in using, so far so good. Early we did the bacon muffins and those are now a common staple in our breakfast routine. This recipe I think would be better with apples but still very tasty and the kids love it!

This one is quick and easy, and it's bacon so of course its good!

1 package uncured bacon (Pilgrams has a good brand that is thick and tasty and super one carries the white
                                        label uncured as well)
6 boneless chicken thighs
2 sliced peaches (I think this recipe would have been better with apples or pears, give it a try)
diced fresh cilantro
salt and pepper to taste

place a pinch of clintro and a slice of fruit in the center of the boneless chicken thigh. Roll it up, wrap with a whole slice of bacon and stab through with a toothpick to hold it together.

Place all the wraps on a baking dish that is lightly grease, bake on 375 degrees for about 30 min or until the chicken juices run clear

We served it with our all time favorite potato salad. The kids liked them but we all agreed the apples or pears would give it a better overall flavor.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Morning Hash

This is another morning winner at our house and with the basics of this one you can add anything and make it a new meal every morning.

3 yam and/or sweet potatoes
your choice of vegys (broccoli, asparagus, spinach, onions, peppers, mushrooms, the list is endless)
2 apples diced
small dash of olive oil for the pan
meat of your choice (bacon, sausage, hamburger, again endless list here)

Prepare all the ingredients by dicing or cubing. heat oil, cook meat 1st. Add the vegys from hardest to softest (since the hard items need to  cook longer, and serve warm. Easy, quick and filling what could be a better breakfast.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


This recipe is similar to the chocolate zucchini bread that was posted awhile ago, although I think this one is more chocolatey and has a better texture. This one would also be great with a little less zucchini for that true brownie flavor. I have also used a new sweetener and please remember like all added sweeteners we are moving our insulin respond outside of that good middle ground and slightly defeating the purpose of a true paleo. But as will everything life is best with moderation, so it's not going to kill us if it's every once in awhile.

1/2 C applesauce
2 small bananas mashed
1/2 C raw coconut sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 C cocoa powder
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
2 C shredded zucchini
1 3/4 C flour (I used 1/2 almond and 1/2 coconut)
1/2 C walnuts 
Preheat oven 350 degrees, grease and flour pan. Mix applesauce, bananas and sugar. add cocoa and vanilla.  Add everything and mix well. Pour into pan and bake until toothpick comes out clean. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bacon MMMMMMuffins

 I have found the perfect breakfast for my family and possibly for yours! So who doesn't love bacon, um nobody right, this is the only egg recipe Katie will eat thanks to bacon. MMMMMM

1 package (uncured) bacon
6-7 eggs
any vegy of your choice diced (We used spinach, mushrooms, peppers, onions, and asparagus)

Beat the eggs and add the diced vegys. We made a few different varieties of mixed vegys and even added some with a little clean sausage which turned out great!)

Cut your bacon strips in half. Lay one strip across the bottom of the muffin tin cup and around to one side. Use the other half to wrap around the rest of the cup lining to make a homemade muffin shell.  Pour your egg mixture into each cup filling about 3/4 full. The eggs don't expand much when they cook but the bacon will curl around the top making a crisp outer shell, if you leave some of it exposed.

Put in the oven and bake at 350 degrees for about 10 min or until a toothpick comes out clean. Remove the muffins from the tin when it's still warm and serve. Hallelujah bacon muffins!!!