Thursday, June 27, 2013

You can never have too much bacon

 I think we all know how much my family loves the bacon and this month we have tried to find different ideas in using, so far so good. Early we did the bacon muffins and those are now a common staple in our breakfast routine. This recipe I think would be better with apples but still very tasty and the kids love it!

This one is quick and easy, and it's bacon so of course its good!

1 package uncured bacon (Pilgrams has a good brand that is thick and tasty and super one carries the white
                                        label uncured as well)
6 boneless chicken thighs
2 sliced peaches (I think this recipe would have been better with apples or pears, give it a try)
diced fresh cilantro
salt and pepper to taste

place a pinch of clintro and a slice of fruit in the center of the boneless chicken thigh. Roll it up, wrap with a whole slice of bacon and stab through with a toothpick to hold it together.

Place all the wraps on a baking dish that is lightly grease, bake on 375 degrees for about 30 min or until the chicken juices run clear

We served it with our all time favorite potato salad. The kids liked them but we all agreed the apples or pears would give it a better overall flavor.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Morning Hash

This is another morning winner at our house and with the basics of this one you can add anything and make it a new meal every morning.

3 yam and/or sweet potatoes
your choice of vegys (broccoli, asparagus, spinach, onions, peppers, mushrooms, the list is endless)
2 apples diced
small dash of olive oil for the pan
meat of your choice (bacon, sausage, hamburger, again endless list here)

Prepare all the ingredients by dicing or cubing. heat oil, cook meat 1st. Add the vegys from hardest to softest (since the hard items need to  cook longer, and serve warm. Easy, quick and filling what could be a better breakfast.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


This recipe is similar to the chocolate zucchini bread that was posted awhile ago, although I think this one is more chocolatey and has a better texture. This one would also be great with a little less zucchini for that true brownie flavor. I have also used a new sweetener and please remember like all added sweeteners we are moving our insulin respond outside of that good middle ground and slightly defeating the purpose of a true paleo. But as will everything life is best with moderation, so it's not going to kill us if it's every once in awhile.

1/2 C applesauce
2 small bananas mashed
1/2 C raw coconut sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 C cocoa powder
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
2 C shredded zucchini
1 3/4 C flour (I used 1/2 almond and 1/2 coconut)
1/2 C walnuts 
Preheat oven 350 degrees, grease and flour pan. Mix applesauce, bananas and sugar. add cocoa and vanilla.  Add everything and mix well. Pour into pan and bake until toothpick comes out clean. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bacon MMMMMMuffins

 I have found the perfect breakfast for my family and possibly for yours! So who doesn't love bacon, um nobody right, this is the only egg recipe Katie will eat thanks to bacon. MMMMMM

1 package (uncured) bacon
6-7 eggs
any vegy of your choice diced (We used spinach, mushrooms, peppers, onions, and asparagus)

Beat the eggs and add the diced vegys. We made a few different varieties of mixed vegys and even added some with a little clean sausage which turned out great!)

Cut your bacon strips in half. Lay one strip across the bottom of the muffin tin cup and around to one side. Use the other half to wrap around the rest of the cup lining to make a homemade muffin shell.  Pour your egg mixture into each cup filling about 3/4 full. The eggs don't expand much when they cook but the bacon will curl around the top making a crisp outer shell, if you leave some of it exposed.

Put in the oven and bake at 350 degrees for about 10 min or until a toothpick comes out clean. Remove the muffins from the tin when it's still warm and serve. Hallelujah bacon muffins!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Balsamic Chicken

I love crockpot options expecially with our busy schedule. It so nice to come home after a hectic day to a hot ready made meal. This one actually turned out better as leftovers the next day, the flavors were really evident after being refriderated and reheated.

1-2 garlic cloves diced
1 tsp basil
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
sliced onion
1  tbsn olive oil
1/2  C balsamic vinegar
package of chicken thighs
Put olive oil and onions in the bottom of the crockpot. Put the chicken on top and cover with the vinegar. Cook on high for about 6 hrs.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Paleo Porridge

We used to be big cream of wheat fans and sometimes on those cold winter morings, you know like the ones we have in the middle of April, I miss a hot bowl of cereal. While I was cruising the net looking for ideas I came across this gem. thanks to Paleo Spirit for this starter. I didn't use all of the ingredients and we really liked the consistency and flavor. Although the kids have asked for a little less banana taste, we're trying 1/2 dates next time. We also halved the recipe and it worked out perfect for 2 bowls.

2 ripe bananas mashed
2 C coconut milk (we used the carton kind but the true canned kind would be so much better flavor and consistency)
3/4 C almond meal (the original recipe also asks for 1/4 C flax meal)
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger (we omitted)
1/8 cloves (we substituted with nutmeg)
1/8 salt (we omitted)
honey (just a dash although its not needed its pretty sweet from the bananas)
berries for topper, or raisins, or coconut flakes, really the options are endless.

Add all ingredients in to a saucepan, cook on med low until it thickens, (about 5-10 min) stirring often to make sure the bottom doesn't burn. Spoon into bowls top with your choice and yum. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Crepes are a family tradition for birthday breakfast in our house and it was always expected that we would have to do un-clean. I have found this wonderful blog "against all grains" this women is amazing!!! check her out here, she has everything and anything you would ever want to know about cooking clean.  She has provided us with an amazing alternative to clean crepes. They taste a little more egg-y then un-clean crepes but with fruit and the coconut whipped cream (below) they're amazing in their own right. Even my nieces and nephew liked them. My nephew, who calls our food "that weird stuff", even had 3rds. 
I have altered the recipe just slightly, I like the flavor of vanilla in my breakfast "breads", but other than that this is all from against the grain blog.

For the Crepes
6 eggs 
1 cup almond milk
3 tbln coconut flour, sifted
2 tsp coconut oil, melted
1 tsp arrowroot
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla
coconut oil for the pan

For the filling:
frozen strawberries and blueberries
1 fresh sliced banana

For the whipped cream:
1 can whole coconut milk
honey (optional)
vanilla (optional)


Whisk all ingredients until completely blended, let sit about 10 minutes for the flour to absorb the liquid. I continued to whisk the batter before I poured it into the frying pan to keep it well blended and avoid clumps.  
heat a flat skillet on med, lightly cover in coconut oil to grease the pan. Pour the batter slowly onto the pan. the batter is very runny, but if you want to spread it out you can, just very carefully and slowly move the pan around by the handle. I found you don't really need to spread it out, the batter will spread mostly by itself, plus it will keep its pretty round shape if you just let it be. Let the crepe cook until the sides are slightly brown and the top is no longer runny, carefully flip the crepe, lightly brown the other side and remove to a plate to cool. this recipe makes about 8+ crepes. 

We used frozen blueberries and strawberries and sliced fresh bananas for our filling along with a coconut whipped cream (again from "against the grain" blog).  Take a few scoops of each of the frozen berries and put inside a pot and turn on med. I added a small spoon of honey, but it's really not necessary if you don't want it. I let that boil and melt until we had a running hot syrup, than I set aside to cool. 

Whipped cream: Put the cans contents in the fridge overnight. Carefully remove the top layer of the coconut milk (all the yummy fat looking topping) and put in a bowl, whip with a hand blender until peaks form add a small amount of honey and vanilla if you want. 

After all your ingredients are made and the crepes are slightly cooled (they will rip easier if they are warm) place a crepe flat on the plate put your fruit filling inside, roll, cover with a dollop of fruit and whipped cream and enjoy! Yummy!!!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Citrus Cod

I don't put enough fish recipes on the blog and it really should be an essentail part of our nutrition as Paleo eaters for those needed Omega 3's. For us, fish is hard, we have some picky eaters. This one work out pretty well for us.
For the fish:
2 lbs Artic Cod Fillets
1 lime
1 lemon
1 sweet onion
3 tbns olive oil
2 tbsn crushed garlic
salt and pepper
For the salsa:
1 ripe mango cubed
1 C. pineapple (canned or fresh)
2 tbsn. lime juice
2 tbsn. orange juice
4 tsp jalepeno diced
sweet onion diced
1 bell pepper sliced
black pepper
Scrub the outside of the lime and lemon to remove the dirt and waxy coating. Slice a few piece of the lime off and set the rest aside (for the salsa). Slice the onion and the lemon as well and place all slices on the bottom of a baking pan as the base for the fish. 

Rinse and pat dry the filets, and lay them flat on top of the slices of lemon, lime and onion.  Mix the olive oil, garlic, some lemon juice and salt and pepper in a bowl and with a brush or spoon lightly coat the top layer of the fish. Put in the oven at 350 degrees until the fish is easy to flake.

 Meanwhile you can make your salsa, quick and easy just put everything in a bowl and mix.

And Ta Da!!! Citrus Cod. (The side dish is the sauteed brussel sprouts just a few posts back)!!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Lime based coleslaw

This is a great recipe for a traveling day, a picnic and I can't wait to pack it with us to the dock this summer. It's quick, easy, and the longer it sits in the the tupperware the better it gets.
3+ carrots, shredded
1/2 head cabbage, shredded (would be good with green and purple)
1/2 sweet onion, shredded
cilantro (to taste)
1/3 C lime
1/2 tsp cumin
2 garlic cloves diced
1/2 C olive oil
1 tsp honey
Mix all the ingredients for your marinade, add all your shredded vegys, add them together and TADA!! Great with any meal and full of tones of vitamins and nutrients!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cajun Style

So I am not normally a person who enjoys spicy foods but this one is a keeper. And it's as spicy as you want to make it, I went pretty mild so the kids and I would enjoy it too, but for those of you who really like the hot, you can always add more spice and tobasco sauce to your bowl after everyone else is dished up.
1 bag shrimp
2 oz chicken
1 tbsn cajun spice (we used the spice from a few posts back "spicy nuts")
1 tbsn oil
1/4 C cut onion
1/4 C  cut bell pepper
2 tbsn diced garlic
1/2 C chopped tomatoes
3 bay leaves
2 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp tabasco
3/4 C caulirice
3 C chicken stock
5 oz sausage (we used deer sausage I would recommend a pork)
salt and pepper

Mix all spices in the meat and set aside.

Heat oil on med/high in a pot. Cook the onion, celery, and pepper until almost tender. Add the garlic, tomatoes, bay leaves and sauces. Stir in the caulirice and chicken broth and than finally the meat.  Cook on med heat, with a lid on, stirring occasionally, until the meat is done.
Quick, easy and very yummy, even for a spicy dish.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Stuffed birds!

 So I have been saying I was going to work on a clean stuffing recipe for months and I have finally done it. OK so I haven't spent as much time on it as I would've like and this is definitely not the end all be all on the best stuffing recipe, but it is a good base. I think.

3 thick slices of almond butter bread (recipe just a few months back) cubed
5 stalks celery sliced
1 apple diced (I like a little sweet and a little tart so I used fuji)
1 tbsn coconut oil
1/3  C onion
1 C chicken broth
1/2 C pecans
1 tsp sage
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp salt

3/4 C olive oil
3 tbsn garlic
2 tbsn rosemary
1 tbsn basil
1 tsp pepper
salt to taste

Mix all ingreidents together for the rub, and cover the chicken in it, don't miss the skin between the wings and the body. (Don't forget to clean the chicken inside and out and remove all the gizzards and neck that are stored inside the cavity). Set aside.
If you want to use the neck and organs to make a broth or chicken stock now is the time. Put them in a pot with water almost covering them. Add spices of your choice, I usually go with bay leaves, salt, garlic, parsley and basil. Simmer on low of a few hours (about as long as it takes to cook the bird) and you have a tasty chicken stock that you can use for your stuffing next time or soup.

In a saucepan combine everything but the bread cubes and the pecans. Turn on med high until it boils, reduce heat and cover and let simmer until the vegys are tender.
Meanwhile, put the bread cubes on a cookie sheet, in a single layer, and bake at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes, until crunchy but not heavily browned. Set aside.

After vegys are tender pour over toasted bread cubes, add the pecans and blend well. Put the bird in a shallow baking dish and gently add some stuffing to the cavity of the bird, laying the remaining amounts outside in the baking dish. Don't pack all the stuffing into the cavity, the fuller it is the longer it will take to cook.
Bake the bird at 400 degrees uncovered for about 30 minutes or until the top is beautifully browned than "tent" (or cover the baking pan and bird with tinfoil that doesn't touch the bird)  turn the oven down to about 350 and finish cooking.


It should be tender and fall off the bone yummy. The apples in the stuffing really help juice up the meat and bring a bit of a sweet flavor to the dish. Now if you really want to have at it boil and mash some garlic sweet potatoes and have yourself a clean thanksgiving-ish meal.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

For the Kids!!!

Sorry not a great picture! So, during the recent nutrition seminar, I had someone ask me what about kids and paleo. And I realized we haven't really done any snacks, stuff for after school, between practice and lessons. Easily packable and healthy options so here ya go. (Plus I get the benefit of having a full fridge for the 4 empty pits that live in my house ;)  )
1st: cut celery, carrots, bell peppers and a smaller tupperware clean ranch dressing
2nd: cut melons in a fruit salad
3rd: Cucumber salad (sliced cucumbers and sweet onions in a 1 to 1/2 ratio of apple cider vinegar and honey)
4th: apple chicken sausages
5th: pumpkin snack bites (recipe to below)
6th: beef jerky (recipe to below)
1 C. pumpkin (canned is fine)
2 Tbsn honey
1/2 C. coconut flour
1 egg
3/4 C almond butter
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/3 C coconut milk
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 C dark chocolate chips (I found mine at huckleberries in Spokane but I'm sure theres some at Pilgrams)

Oven at 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients well, scoop onto a cookie sheet by the spoonful and bake for about 25 minutes.

1 lbs beef jerky
1/2 C soy sauce (wheat free)
1/2 C pineapple juice
garlic powder, salt and pepper to liking

Mix all ingredients together well. Put the meat between two sheets of wax paper and roll out even and flat. slice into 1 1/2 inch width pieces and put into the dehydrater for about 5 to 6 hours. The thinner the faster it's done and the crunchier it is, or roll it out a little thicker and make it chewer. You can do this in the oven too 205 degrees, crack the oven to let the moisture out and about 3-4 hours.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Spicy nuts!!!

Sorry about not having a lot of pictures for this post, Andy eat them too fast for me to get many. (Well Kate and I did our fair share as well :)  )
So here is a quick and easy way to make those on the run, after school or just because, good for you munchies. Be aware, the paleo diet advocates, SOME fats. So don't over do it on this one, although it is very easy to do.

We did three different kinds of flavored nuts on one try but by far the Cajun flavor won out, for everyone. (Even me who is not usually fond of spicy.)

1/2 a bag of the Costco raw almonds

sweet nuts:
1 tbsn honey
cinnamon and nutmeg

salty nuts:
olive oil and salt

Spicy nuts:
2 tsp salt
2 tsp paprika
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 1/4 tsp dried oregano
1 1/4 tsp dried thyme
1.2 tsp red pepper flakes (optional for those hot and spicy type)

Mix all the ingredients for the spicy nuts together.

For the spicy and salty nuts, mix all in a bowl with a little bit of olive oil, just to coat. lay out on a cookie sheet and sprinkle with the spice of your choice.
We tried the sweet nuts with the olive oil too but the honey just slips right off so try blending the honey with some liquid coconut oil first, throw the almond in the bowl and stir t around to coat them and than lay on the cookie sheet and sprinkle with nutmeg and cinnamon.
Bake for about 15 minutes at about 350 degrees, let them slightly cool (I liked them all warm mmmm), and enjoy!!
Stay tuned I will be posted an attempt at gumbo with this Cajun flavoring, can't wait!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cinnamon-y goodness

 This one is one of Adam's favorites and mine as well. I am working on a frosting to this as well and will hopefully be posting that to the comments section of this post soon.
I got this recipe from Adam through a friend of his but I don't know the original site this came from. So a big thanks out there for this one from whatever wonderful blogger created this one, it's amazing.

Before I post the directions and ingredients I do want to take a little time to talk about why we eat Paleo. To be healthy is the best answer but more specifically to feed our bodies with the best source of clean, healthy, satisfying and nutritious fuel possible. Avoiding damaging substances, including high bad fats, indigestible damaging foods, carcinogenics, processed foods, additives and chemicals all while maintaining a balance insulin response, blood sugar level and nutrient supply. Having shared that this is not a good recipe to use if you are seriously taking on the role of a Paleo living. This is high in fats (although good fats, fats all the same) high in added sweetener (yes it's honey but it is an added sweetener that spikes your insulin response and blood sugar as well as fat storage and everything else that goes along with any form of sweets). This is not a every day meal. However, if you have the choice between this cinnamon roll and a regular cinnamon roll this is definately the healthier choice, no damaging grains, no fat storing dairy. Just a little food for thought on that one.

3 c. almond flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/4 c coconut oil (softened)
2 tblsn honey
raisins, pecans, and a little more honey

Pre-heat oven to 340 degrees.  Mix the flour, soda and salt in a bowl. In a different bowl lightly whisk the eggs add the honey and the coconut oil (this is pretty messy and doesn't blend well unless the oil is really really soft, almost melty). Combine both bowl, making sure that the coconut oil is blended well (no white chunky bits).

Put the dough in the fridge for about 5 minutes to set.
Between 2 wax peices of paper put your dough and roll it out in a rectanglur shape. spread raisins and pecan across the dough and drizzle with some more honey. Roll the dough. This can be tricky, take your time and scrape up the dough and press it back together as you go, it will crack and break but it's very moist to easy to press together. 

Slice into rolls and place on a cookie sheet that has been greased. Bake for about 10 Min.

Friday, February 8, 2013

As promised...

A big thanks to Kim D. for this one, I changed it just a little using some tried and true Texan style cooking secrets passed down to me through my (than) mother-in-law  (thanks Dawn).

2 LBS chuck steak, round beef patties or round steak tenderized and 1/2" thick
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 c almond flour
1/2 C coconut flout
1 tsp garlic powder
3 large eggs
1/4 c coconut oil
2 C chicken broth
1/2 C canned coconut milk
1/2 tsp thyme


Pre heat oven to 250 degrees. Make sure meat is tenderized, and cut into smaller peices. Whip the eggs together in a bowl and mix the flours, garlic, salt peper on a plate or baking dish.

In a large skillet (according to my Texan guru cast iron is the best) melt your coconut oil. Dredge the steak peices through the egg and than the flour mixture and brown both sides, put on a cookies sheet with tinfoil and a light coating of olive oil over the top of it. After all peices are coated, browned and put on the cookie sheet put it in the oven to finish cooking.
 This is a Texas secret, you now need to make a Rue, which is really just fat and flour melted together to form a base for your gravy. Melt your coconut oil and put small amounts of flours into the melted fat until it looks like cookie dough. 
In the pan that you browned the steaks, put in the broth and deglaze the pan (that means scrape off all those yummy crispy morsals of batter left in there and mix them into the broth).  Put your Rue in the pan and blend throughly, as you go if it needs to thicken just add the left over flour from the battering slowly, I find that whisking as you go works really well to keep a smooth gravy.

Pull the steaks out of the oven when their done (I still like them a little pink in the middle or they seem to tough). Cover with Gravy and place with you favorite side, in our house it's hands down potato salad

And enjoy. Thanks again Kim D (and Dawn)

Friday, February 1, 2013

But I though Deep Fryers were a no-no...

OK so yes, deep frying is not the healthiest choice, that's a no brainer. But, it seems to me, that a clean fry meal is better than a dirty fry meal, and this is a good way to get rid of those fried food cravings without getting back into the "Crack" of grains.
So I have a deep fat fryer, I know, I'm so bad. I have finally put it to use for something clean.  I used olive oil, although the pot recommends not using it.  You could easily accomplish this same recipe in a frying pan as well, just make sure that there's enough oil to cover most of the shrimp.
1 1/2 bags frozen tail on raw shrimp (we got them at costco)
almond flour
coconut flour
salt, pepper, garlic powder to liking
Mix all dry ingredients together on a plate.  Beat the eggs in a bowl. Wash shrimp and pat dry with a paper towel. Roll the shrimp in the egg to fully coat, roll in the flour mixture and drop in the hot oil. (If you are using a frying pan use medium heat, you don't want the flour to burn.)  Cook until batter is brown and shrimp is pink, place on a plate with a papertowel to absorb the left over oil. And enjoy, easy, quick and so so yummy

Monday, January 28, 2013

Store bought paleo bread

Guess what Costco has, BREAD! I personally haven't tried it yet but the girls really dig it in french toast and sandwiches. As soon as this food challenge is over I'm making some for me, and maybe Andy ;).  It comes in a  two loaf pack for a little over $8.00, not a bad deal. Blake says he likes the homemade almond bread better, but for our house this works in a pinch.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Branden has been asking for month for me to find a clean lasgna recipe becuase he misses it so much, so here it is, and it's amazing!!!!
    1/2 c almonds
    1/2 thinly sliced onion
    2 cloves garlic
    3 tbsn oregano
    1/8 tsp nutmeg
    1/8 tsp salt
    1/2+ c water
Put all ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth. I should have gotten a picture of that texture for you but I was so eager I forgot. It should look like a ricotta cheese.
1 lbs ground beef browned
1 can clean speghetti sauce
4 large mushrooms, sliced
2 large zuchinnis, thinly sliced (mandolins work great for this) These are your noodles
fresh spinach leaves
Brush the zuchinni "noodles" with a light coat of olive oil and grill. I used my broiler pan and my oven at 375 but on the BBQ would be so much better.
With all your ingredients start making your layers in an oven safe baking dish. Beef, spinach, mushrooms, zuchinni noodles, and than smear the "cheese" on the "noodles" and cover with a layer of sauce and start all over until your pan is full, ending with the sauce on the top.
Bake at 375 degrees for about 20-30 minutes and serve. It is by far best hot but still great as leftovers.
You need to try this one you're going to love it, kid tested and approved!!!

 Another great this with this cheese is with the left overs I made an omlette the next morning. Spinach, onions, mushrooms and almond cheese it was so good!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Shepards Pie

If you haven't noticed yet there is another food challenge going on this month, and there will be another next so come prepared. In order to help those of us on the challenges stay focused I am going to try and provide all of us with some new options (more often) for meals.
Today's addition is one I've been wanting to do for a long time and really have had no excuse as to why I haven't.  We tried it with sweet potatoes and yams, I preferred the sweet potatoes, better consistency  and flavor (in my opinion) but overall this recipe was a keeper in our household.


Ground Beef (we used 1/2 of a Costco package)
3 handfuls+ diced baby carrots
6 stalks diced celery
 1 diced sweet onion
2 cloves chopped garlic
1 C. beef broth
4 large sweet potatoes (or yams)
coconut oil
4 large sliced mushrooms
oregano, thyme, parsley, salt and pepper


Scrub and cube the sweet potatoes and put in a pot and a steamer and steam until tender. You can do this in the microwave as well, I just like the consistency of the steamed vegys better. When they are steamed, mash to your liking. I like it smooth and creamy so Andy had to mash for awhile :) 
Set oven to 400 degrees.
While the potatoes are steaming, heat coconut oil in a large frying pan. Add garlic, onions, celery and carrots, cook until tender. Add mushrooms and cook until tender, put aside.  Add the ground beef to the pan add all the spices to your liking ( I do about 3-5 shakes of the bottle with each, I know not very helpful I'll try to remember to measure next time.) Cook until fully browned.
Mix vegys and meat together and spread out in a baking dish, cover with beef broth. You can choose to boil the broth with some coconut flour if you would like, some say it thickens it, however, I think it changes the taste and texture, I wasn't to fond of it. Cover the top with the mashed potatoes (this is very sticky so push a little into the meat mixture to get the potatoes to stay in place.) Place in the oven and bake for about 15 minutes, until the broth starts to boil and the potatoes look slightly browning on the edges.
we didn't even wait for it to cool we dug right in, everyone loved it!!!1