If you are full on Paleo Almond flour is a must have in your pantry! You can make so many things with it and its a great heart healthy and fully Paleo flour substitute. It can be pretty spendy in grocery stores Ive seen it ranging anywhere from $8.99-12.00 a lb. You can make it your self for about $4.99 a lb if you get your almonds at Costco (under 10.00 for 3 lbs) or you can find them on sale in bulk bins and stick them in your freezer for future use.
You will notice a slight difference in color if you make your own flour. The reason being when buying almond flour you typically see it with blanched almonds (blanching is boiling the almonds to remove the skins). Almond skins provide the nut with some of the nutrients it contains, so why not leave it on? It wont change the consistency or flavor of the flour it will just have some brown specks (However you can buy pre-blanched almonds if you prefer.)
Take some almonds and put them in a food processor and let it whirl for about a minute. Either lay out some parchment paper of get a big bowl and a fine meshed sifter and sift the flour don't bang the sides too much or it will force some of the bigger pieces to fall through. Put the larger pieces of almonds back into the processor and repeat these 2 steps until you have sifted through all the nuts.
You can store the flour in a airtight container in a cool place for no more than a week if you are not planning on using it before then store it in the freezer for up to a month.
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